Friday, February 6, 2015

Today I am just tired....

Today I am just stinkin' tired. I'm also rather certain i'm getting a cold because my throat is super sore. I'm only 6 weeks so i'm not ready to blame the pregnancy for this one, but man am I tired. Currently 4 dogs in the house and they woke me up so they are definitely partially to blame.

I like to "Did you know?" Bob on the baby development chart. This week was:

Your baby is the size of a sweet pea! Did you know it has eyes and little flipper hands and feet?!?!?

Mommy symptoms say I can expect to be exhausted and nauseas. I get a little bit of the butterflies kind of nausea throughout the day but nothing extreme enough to be whiney about. I am tired. Tired enough that someone said something to me about it (I have very dark circles under my eyes today). In theory being exhausted is mostly due to hormones so it should balance out to just kind of tired somewhere in the second trimester. I am also thirsty all the time, which is kind of new. I drink too much water ALL the time normally/pre-baby which means i'm used to peeing all the time, but I am not used to being thirsty all the time. It's like I've been wandering through a desert and just can't get enough. My hair gets greasy faster, which is annoying. I know everything goes in weeks, but i'm trying to think of it in months because that doesn't sound so long. 1 month to heartbeat, 1.5 months to second trimester.

 The newer office I attempted to schedule with was pretty awful about letting me pick a time of day, location, and doctor, so I nixed them right away. My old GYN retired and the office he worked at is now only open 3 days a week, 2 of which they close before noon. They weren't exactly nearby so I'm trying to make myself consider convenience sake. As much as I don't want to go to Hershey Med, it is right beside our house. Hershey med does have a whole separate building away from the hospital for OBGYN and that makes me feel a little better about it. Isn't being pregnant (while thrilling) stressful enough without adding in all the new doctor crap?!?!? just saying...

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