Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Knowing just enough

So it's early yet, but already I'm trying to walk the line of knowing just enough. For instance:

  • I want to know what's normal during delivery, but I don't really want to read about all the horrible things that can go wrong.
  •  I get the "your baby is the size of an appleseed" development updates, but I don't really want to know all the possible diseases they might have unless a doctor flags one.
  • I do my kegels, and I've read "what to put in your hospital bag", but I don't need to think about the 4-6 weeks of afterbirth crap incontinence that go with having a baby.
Part of our birthplan, provided that Baby and I stay healthy throughout the pregnancy (which is obviously what we hope for), is to stay at home for as long as possible after contractions begin. I haven't completely ruled out the possibility of birthing at home, but am not considering it very strongly. I don't want to go to the hospital 2cm dilated and wander the halls for 6 hours. I would rather take a hot shower, thank you very much. But reading these "birth plan" checklists about episiotomies and pubic scaping is kind of driving me nuts. I know I don't want cheerleaders, I know I only want Bob. I know that right now I really want to try to do this unmedicated (and fully acknowledge that I may not feel that way later on).

I tend to be the paranoid sort, which means that while we eat organic a lot to begin with, since pesticides can cause birth defects, i'm all extra organic now- organic blueberries are like $16/pint right now by the way. Bob washes all my fruit regardless, but I want a lot of fruit and it's not the right season yet! I've been pretty good food wise- eating my lean proteins and leafy greens, fruits and veggies. No more alcohol for me, no more eggs over easy (booooooo), no more unpasteurized cheese!!! Trying to stay away from the fried stuff at work. I've never been a huge added sugar person and switching my tea to decaf really wasn't a big deal.

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