Monday, July 20, 2015

It doesn't feel "Real"

I've read a lot of pregnancy articles and blogs, and the one topic that has never come up is how much being pregnant doesn't feel real.

I know I'm pregnant, I am both terrified and excited to meet our baby, I can see my reflection in the mirror, am acutely aware of both my full bladder and squished stomach, and our baby is super active so i spend a very large part of everyday being punched and kicked- i've been able to feel him from 13 weeks on and we're coming up on 30. But it still doesn't feel real.

I still feel startled (and sometimes amused) when i look down at my round belly. I'm still railing against those stretchmarks on my boobs and my itchy belly. I still try to pretend the back pain doesn't bother me. For the most part though, it's all just a new normal. My life really didn't change- i get up everyday, maybe a little more tired. I go to work everyday, and tip someone out to carry the heavier trays (but there was already someone who carried the trays, i just let them carry more of them). I wear the same clothes I always wore in summer, and have very few maternity pieces, and while I would be lying if i said i am perfectly blissfully comfortable all the time, neither am i miserable all the time. I got lazier and more forgetful, but vegging out isn't a huge deviation in life.

Our baby was planned and I have fun with the nursery and the free baby stuff and picking out little onesies that everyone tells me not to buy (but he's my first -and in theory only- baby and i'll do what i want!) I look forward to the 3 months of maternity leave even knowing my whole world is about to change. I'm even hopeful that our unique situation (i wake up ~9-10am and go to bed ~2am, my husband wakes up ~12-1pm and goes to bed ~6am) will make this whole new baby sleep schedule thing an easier adjustment than it is for many others.

What if he wasn't planned? What if I wasn't "ready" to accept the responsibility? What's it like to be the dad without the constant reminder inside you of what's coming? Even I can sometimes forget in the day to day grind that he's there, so what's it like not to have people commenting and your internal organs rearranging? It must be so easy to forget and so startling to remember- even when you're happy and especially when you're not. It's all a little surreal and I can totally understand how many women go into shock (postpartum depression) when their baby is finally here. I don't think you ever feel ready for what's coming. I don't think you can ever really be prepared, because imagining something is just not the same as experiencing it...

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